Monday, August 24, 2009

Puppy Champion Moriah!

There were 3 dog shows Homecoming weekend. The first show Moriah took best of Opposites beating 3 class plush females and 1 puppy champion. This earned her 4 points! The male that took best plush was Ender and he looked so nice in the ring - I'm not surprised at all that he beat her. I think he took best puppy at this show.

The second show was the national specialty and she didn't do so well - Penny looked good and was picked over her in her class so Moriah had a short day.

The third show was on Sunday. Moriah and Drew were ready to go and she took winners. Then she went into the ring with Ender and Molly (again!) . The judge really took her time going over them and I couldn't believe it when she picked Moriah! Wow - best plush puppy! Moriah only needed 3 more points so she has earned her puppy championship!!! And just a couple weeks over 6 months....

Drew did a great job handling her. Her fear of judges is pretty much gone - she didn't have one reaction to any of them coming up to touch her.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy for Moriah that she conquered her fear of the judges. Great job Drew & Moriah! :)
