Friday, December 31, 2010

Shiloh sweater!!!

I was just about to get the vacuum out and go over the floor when I noticed that most of the mess was mud (from the mini thaw outside) and shiloh undercoat. I got the grooming stuff out and got as much off her as I could before trying to clean up.

Moriah has a show in a few weeks and she is going to be looking like her dad!! lol....

There is enough hair to make a sweater - maybe I should save it all??
Before the vacuum.....
Dory sitting under the tree avoiding the brushes and combs.....

It's a white Christmas!!

It snowed 3 to 4 inches on Christmas Eve - how wonderful!! The weathermen said that we have recieved snow on Christmas Eve every 20-25 years or so. The pups love snow - here are a couple pictures of Moriah checking out the white stuff.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

New pictures!

It's a beautiful afternoon in November and we spend a good part of it trying to get just the right picture of Moriah.

She is such a good girl it's easy to get her to stand still for a few minutes. But then she can't hold it in and has to go!!!

It only took a couple of sessions and about 4 dozen shots to get the almost perfect pose.....