Friday, December 31, 2010

Shiloh sweater!!!

I was just about to get the vacuum out and go over the floor when I noticed that most of the mess was mud (from the mini thaw outside) and shiloh undercoat. I got the grooming stuff out and got as much off her as I could before trying to clean up.

Moriah has a show in a few weeks and she is going to be looking like her dad!! lol....

There is enough hair to make a sweater - maybe I should save it all??
Before the vacuum.....
Dory sitting under the tree avoiding the brushes and combs.....


  1. Wow, that's a lot of fur! Dory, you are pretty darn smart getting under the tree!

  2. The nice thing is that the hair doesn't fall out all over the place. It stayed in place until I started combing it out. With Christmas I just didn't notice the clumps forming, lol.. Bad mom...
